Monday, November 29, 2004


A lack of confidence creates the most vicious of circles. As the pressure to perform begins to override our patience, effort becomes a sinister trap. Pushing a trade for no reason other than satisfying the need to do "something" can serve only to exacerbate our situation and worsen the need for action, any action. We sink deeper into the quicksand of desperation by our very struggle to escape it; the more we push and flail in an attempt to resurface, the faster we plummet towards the point of no return. When all seems on the verge of final catastrophe (and we may act as such, even when there is hardly any evidence for it), it's not easy to see beyond our self-made froth and realize that stillness will be the key to extricating ourselves out of the quagmire. Contradictory as the image may be, we must anchor ourselves and stabilize if we are to remain buoyant; the downward pull is an entirely synthetic gravity generated from our own exertion, while deliverance lies in our willingness to just let go and float.


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