Sunday, October 24, 2004

Movement 10/18-10/23

Something definitely shifted a bit this week internally, and I'm not sure if I can put it down in words that make any sense as of yet, but here goes. In several posts, I've referred to a system with a capital "S", as if to emphasize the sanctity of that concept in terms of my trading. You might imagine "The System" as a plaque cleverly etched with gold leaf and invisibly framed on the wall above my monitor, the gilded words revealed only under a certain angle of light that would strike for mere seconds each day to unveil its wisdom, ala pulp-Umberto Eco. Well, at least that's the spirit with which I'd originally imagined writing about my system, with oblique reverence and hushed tones to impart some sense of inviolate mystery -- surely for a system to be properly implemented, one needs to have at least a notion of what is "sacred" to be able to follow through. But I think a part of me is struggling to accept and wanting to deflate this notion of system, and re-examine the whole thing under a less divine light. Not even two weeks into this, and I'm already questioning what I've written earlier -- progress or confusion? To be continued . . .


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny you should post this. I started off with a very good system (not that I could necessarily tell at that point). And then decided I needed to make little tweaks here and there. And after losing money and constantly thinking about this and that, spending much time system testing etc - I ended up back at my starting place 3 years later. Same system, so much wiser, and a belief in it because I unsucessfully tried everything else in the middle. Perhaps everyone needs to go through this process?

12:53 PM  

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